The Proper Golf Swing – The Three Parts of a Proper Golf Swing!

A proper golf swing is directly dependent upon the golfer’s ability to correctly use three vital body parts: the wrists, hips and head.

Get these three body parts moving properly and a golfer will see their game improve with amazing speed and success!

Knowing exactly how these three body parts contribute to a successful swing pattern is the first step in achieving a proper golf swing.

That being said, a great deal of confusion often surrounds the correct use of these three body parts. This confusion often places the proper golf swing out of a golfers reach.

In the book, “The Master Key to Success at Golf” author Leslie King discusses the function of the wrists, hips and head and their overall importance in executing a proper golf swing.

King writes;

“Certain parts of the anatomy you do not need to worry about if you follow the movements I have outlined, but since a good deal has been said and written about the function of this and that part of the player, I will have a brief word to say about them in the hope of preventing natural curiosity from leading you astray. First:


…In the completed backswing…the wrists have performed their function naturally without your being aware of it. They have broken with the smooth momentum of the weighted club head. If you have followed my instructions so far you have not given a thought to the matter of whether or not they are fully cocked at the top of the swing.

That is as it should be. You need only concern yourself with allowing the wrists to remain supple and not locked by too fierce a grip of the club. Excessive wrist-action is one of the problems I have to iron out in so many pupils coming to me for the first time.


The action of the hips has been facilitated by the straight back and the flexed right knee, two important points. Unless locked by tension or a faulty address they have responded to the trunk and arm movements.

The hips have made a turn of about 45 degrees (precisely how much depends on individual physical characteristics) compared with the essential 90 degree turn of the shoulders. The right hip has moved back without being raised. The right hip-action is of particular importance with short, stocky players, say those under five foot eight, and the over-forties who are becoming less supple around the mid-section.

They particularly need a full free movement of the right hip to get the required shoulder turn without strain.


I have already emphasized that the head should have remained still, in the same position as at address. I have pointed out, too, that an obsession about the transfer of weight from the left foot to the right will cause the head to move laterally.


But an upwards and downwards movement of the head during the swing can be just as damaging. This provides one more reason why you should keep the right knee consistently flexed throughout the backswing and the left shoulder up.

Once let the left shoulder drop and before you realize it the head goes with it, the left side collapses and the right hip rises too high. Keep that head steady. Don’t let it bob up and down and from side to side like a cork on a rough sea“.

A proper golf swing is contingent upon how effectively the golfer makes use of their wrists, hips and head.

Incorporate King’s expert advice to improve your golf swing and game!

Check back soon for more articles and posts to help you achieve a proper golf swing!

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